The Claim Your Site feature was retired in late May 2016. Is your site's contact information out of date on Alexa? Simply contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Note that we do still offer our Certified Site Metrics feature, which you can use to get your site's traffic directly measured. You can even use the directly measured traffic to get a more accurate ranking for your site. Check out How do I get my site’s metrics Certified? for more info.

Apa artinya ini? Ini artinya:
Bahwa Alexa sudah tidak lagi menyediakan Klaim Fitur Situs yang gratis lagi. Namun jika
Anda berani membayar maka fitur itu ada bahkan Alexa special akan memberikan Anda
sebuah Certifikat resmi akan kepemilikan dari situs yang telah Anda daftarkan.

Berikut email jawaban resmi dari team Alexa Support:

Hello, Thank you for contacting us. We have retired our Claim feature. This means that you can no longer verify ownership of your site outside of one of our subscription plans. Note that verifying ownership did not affect traffic estimates and ranks in any way. Also verifying ownership did not give you additional access to any of our website analytics or SEO tools. 

Alexa Customer Support 

Lalu kembali saya bertanya, why? Ada apakah gerangan ini.. "Hehe" kataku, sedikit lebay tomorow. "Wahai brother Alexa apakah ini berlaku untuk account pribadi saya saja atau juga berlaku untuk semuanya, berlaku untuk umum... berlaku juga kah untuk account-account teman-teman se-duniaku yang lainnya??''. Kembali ku bertanya. Dan kembali ku bertanya again. "Padahal awal bulan Mei-2016 yang lalu saya baru saja mendaftarkan 6 alamat situs dari teman-temanku dan berhasil...

Alexa-pun menjawab : 

The claim feature has been retired for all accounts and sites. You are correct that prior to its retirement, you could claim any sites you owned. The only way to prove ownership of your site now is by configuring Certified Site Metrics, which is part of our subscription plans Alexa Customer Support 

Alexa Customer Support 

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